If you’re not yet hanging with us behind the little paywall, we’d love to have you. I’m constantly adding new extras, and we’re having a rad time communicating, writing together, and generally chasing the light. No pressure, but it’s always here waiting for you!
These are so touching, reflecting the simple moments with such clarity and light.
Beautiful photos truly. The dogs omg. So dang cute. One little one big. I love old barn wood and just old wood period , amazing what's under the surface. Sanding, always a favorite , I do love flaked out faded paint too, glaze overs poly stain some old with the new. Art... Windows are winners too. The live stock is so favorable to capture because it's so rare, that people look at those beautiful givers. I used to Nikon the hell, out of Western and industrial scenes abstract stuff. I never staged any of it, the good ones like signs , cigars, truth in reality and I referred to this as folk art which I. Also called my painting if I didn't correct some fudges. A personal touch I guess. I usually over due everything and worry it to death. That's who I am always serious , rushed during each second every day day after day and never a second. I've over come issues I never meant too bc they have caused me stuck. Now I remain stuck survivor and I lost all my memory , nothing helps, nothing at all. No one will tell me plus I have no one to ask. I heard I got a concussion but clearly I can't get an answer or straight forward story.. I still live and try to repair what ever I lost and whenever it happen. I'm going to look again at the photos and back ground . I really am and it's me. Who I am does anyone know? So far my heads tells me everyone from the very get go of the universe and I totally didn't believe that till my head started knowing the answer to things I couldn't even began to explain how I would know that about space and rockets, history, presidents, art, symphony and music , fossils animals planets and ancient times and ancient Indians or natives relative. Once I did always care but I lived a life that was like a person and now I live like a picture dict.acronyms almanac the Harvard classics. Oh well fyi, I'm not really crazy and I don't use that kind of word it's just communication where I'm at is scarce to none. No moon either, thanks so much for reading. Love love love the shots.... I do see myself in my reflection enough to know I missing another part that went with my soul. Tell him I love him even though I never met him....yet