
I so look forward to Sunday mornings because of you.

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My hands are still up, Tyler!!!

“Strange kid”, “homophobic slurs”, “toxic masculinity”…

I think we may have been the same person in Middle School and High School - you in Montana and me in Oklahoma - and suffer we did for it.

My family was never a “hide your emotions” family…but the culture around us was much different and I’m gonna go there (anyone else feel free to chime in) - being raised in the buckle of the Bible Belt - we were supposed to have the “joy joy joy joy down in our hearts to stay” - on point all the time - “depression is demonic oppression and you need to rebuke that” and I became a man of extremes for sure - extreme mask wearing.

Let me also say I am not criticizing the work of Jesus the Christ - He himself was a “man of sorrows” - He himself was “compassionate” (co-suffering with)…I am upset with a culture of toxic little “c” christianity that man made God into his image and then caused turmoil for seeking souls.

Off my soapbox now -

Friends and Family, Lovers and Haters

Be who you are where you are when you are in that moment… if tears are required - pour them out, it laughter is required - don’t restrain the volume…be fully you in the moment and don’t freakin apologize for how you feel!!!

Tyler, my brother - in honor of opening weekend for MLB - you hit a home run with this one (again)!

Grace and Peace y’all


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OMG, I love these podcast, I so look forward to them. I love you, your poetry, haikus, how you write, everything! I cry all the damn time. Good tears and sad tears. I am a Severe Traumatic brain injury survivor. But even post-TBI I was emotional. Now, even more so... whether it's

looking at pics, or even just thinking of things while sitting alone by myself, music, movies, the whole nine yards! My best friend is finishing her nursing clinicals and she is on the EXACT neuro floor at UAB I was on after my accident, she text and says you're a absolute Miracle..seeing Traumatic brain injuries on that side and seeing you now is absolutely unheard of. We ALL have different stories and purposes. I live my life thru a different lense now. Totally. Emotion is so important whether crying my eyes out or laughing til I/we cry.

I believe I definitely cry more now out of Thankfulness and HOPE and even a bit more. Cried while reading/ listening to this. Thank you, Tyler!!! So much.

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I absolutely needed this today. I both belly laughed and cried within the last 24 hours and it was refreshing to read about embracing that wildness.

The last paragraph was the expression of the cries from my heart as this pandemic drags on. Give me the extremes- just give me something for I too have no use for life in the middle. Thank you.

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I’ve had so many extremes with emotions this week, your poetry makes me cry and your intros to the Typewriter Series make me laugh! I really like your song choice this week. It’s important to try and be anything but ordinary. Have a great week!

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I cried while reading this. And both belly laughed and cried within the last 24 hours.

I absolutely love the intros daily to the typewriter series! You, your words, make me laugh and cry all the time!

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These are the best Tyler! Love ya and this group! Thank you.

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Tyler, some time ago when I was promoting your book on my IG, you told me that one of the greatest compliments you’d ever received was being called, “a Disney princess.” It has stayed with me, because I remember thinking what a world it could be if more men felt brave and vulnerable enough to embrace that sentiment. The full breadth of our lived experience is perfection and anything less is a compromise…yes to all the emotions! And thank you for always voicing yours and subsequently giving others and invitation to show up completely themselves. 💗

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I had never seen my mother cry, she made a point to keep it together. On the other hand, my dad cried often. Three days ago my mother cried uncontrollably from her soul for a solid half hour. For the first time in eight months she allowed herself to 'think about it' and grieved over the death of her husband of 65 years. I believe she will cry more easily now, and be better for it.

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I *did* cry recently! It's National Poetry Month and I read Gifts by Kirk Wilson (Poem of the Day).

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"no purpose for anything other than the magnificent everything." Good GOD. A thousand times YES!! I have felt this so much in my life. That I feel so much and I operate in extremes. And that can make it hard to fit in. But despite the chaos...there is so much beauty. There is comfort in the chaos of it all. I want to live fully or else what's the point? (and yes, I cry a lot too)

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