Thank you so much for these words. I myself am in the same position, and I suspect several others in this community are too. The art life is indescribable and exhausting, but the only one that seems worth living to me. I am grateful to have the chance to live this way at all.

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I found your word 8 or 9 years ago and they gave me hope. Hope when I was drowning and didn’t feel like anyone else could possibly understand the level of the sadness and hurt that had invaded my body. The weariness and ache you feel today is one felt by so many artists. I’m so glad you’re not giving up. We’re still here waiting for your words and beauty.

Thank you, Tyler!

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This COVID 19 era has made me realized that art and creativity is the only way for me to live. Thanks for clarifying this.

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It’s a screwed up world. Because the truth is, there’s very few material items in this world that I value immensely. But Art? Music? Poetry? Story? Theater?Aaaah that is where my heart is. That is what moves me beyond all else. This is what I value.

Artists should be paid more than business executives, more than strategy consultants, more than lawyers, more than finance directors, more than almost anyone, except teachers —who have the most important job of all.

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I see this. My husband stopped teaching to edit and write and hustle and I think the stress of it is part of (although there were a lot of other factors involved, too) what ended up killing him. Take care of yourselves. It's a total ridiculousness that some of the people we need most as a society (the artists and knowers and teachers) we provide so little for. You've chosen a tough, but true way, and I know everyone here (and so many more to discover you and who read your words and receive your poems and photographs) are grateful. Sending calming hugs your way.

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This comment is not specifically for this post. I've been sick the past 3 weeks. The "highlight" was the past 3 days when I had a severe allergic reaction and almost died. Your poems, news letter and even the songs in the newsletter from the past week were such a comfort. Like food food the soul. Thank you Tyler for sharing this wonderful gift with the world.

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Thank you for your constant words! They inspire many of us and never go unnoticed.

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I came all the way from Tumblr.

I remember that I followed a particular one that always reblogged your Daily Haikus and though "hm, I really like these, who is this guy?".

It's been 12 years now. Aside from my family, the third longest relationship I have is with your work.

That's part of the reason why I don't even think before hitting purchase on a book, a subscription or whatever I can do to help (wish I could do more, but exchange rates are rough from USD to BRL unfortunately)

Nevertheless, I have artist friends who wonder the same and are in the same sort of crisis regarding social media. It's a rough one and it takes a toll, still, it is not in any way a fair game.

I sure hope that in this particular community you feel appreciated the way you deserve to.

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You being here means so much to me. Thank you, for sticking around all this time. Thank you so much. Every drop of support keeps me floating.

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