Indisputable facts prevail in this world, things we know exist but feel helpless to change. Divide is one of these, a divide between groups of people, between individuals, between anyone with differences from ourselves, some of these we enforce, some are enforced without even realizing it, all of them can be addressed. With attention, with actual interest and care, we can erode away at these borderlines drawn into the sands of our lives, we can wipe them clean and let everyone who meets us, knows us, loves us, walk freely in and out of our lives. One of the easiest ways I’ve found, is by asking people about themselves, simple questions that open doors for communication, for sharing of who they are.
It’s a fast paced world, and it’s taught us bad habits. We ask how someone is, but don’t listen to the answer, we forget to pay attention to what goes on in anyone’s life but our own. Asking people of their dreams, of their secrets, of their wishes or their hope, can illuminate who they are, what they believe in, what they need to be happier. All of this is an erasing of the boundaries we keep between us, all of this is simple, all of this is free.
What do you have to lose? So, tell me, tell me of your dreams.
Tell me of your dreams,
your secrets and your wishes,
tell me of your hope.
Haiku on Life by Tyler Knott Gregson
Song of the Day
This is how I’m feeding my family, how I’m able to keep creating art and reaching out to all of you beautiful souls, so please, if you’re not yet part of our extremely rad exclusive community of Light Chasers, you can sign up for less than a sugary latte a month. Let’s hang out, it’s time. If not, I love you all the same.
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My dream is to one day publish the book I wrote.
My hope is that CPTSD will become an official mental health diagnosis, so that hopefully it will be easier for people to get the help they need.
Like everyone else, I have lots of dreams. Sometimes they don’t materialize but I always try to make them come true, and usually they do. I am not interested in material things and don’t covet that red convertible or that diamond ring. Simple does it for me!
My main dream is to feel love and peace, to be able to say at the end of my life that it was worthwhile and happy, that the good experiences balanced the less happy ones. I want to be able to say with certitude that: my life was incredibly good and absolutely worthwhile. The rest just falls in place. My Tanka here is as simple and straight forward as my dreams:
my dreams are simple —
live close to nature in peace
practice compassion
love deeply and do no harm
celebrate life totally