3 of 3 you beauties. 3rd day of the 3rd month of the 23rd year in the 3rd millennium. I think that’s right, at least, my brain is a bit on the fried side. May as well toss in a hot pile of links for your pleasure!
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Here’s the scoop, my lovely little dulces:
Oscars Best Cinematography Winners - For me, the highest accolade of the night when the Oscars roll around isn’t best picture, it’s best cinematography. Nothing makes a movie feel like this category, and this video is exquisite proof of that theory. If you want beauty, look here. Oof.
Think Yourself Better - 10 little nuggets of wisdom by some of the best philosophers time has ever graced us with. 10 little gems that help you see life in a new way, live it better, and enjoy it more fully. I love these. Do you have a favorite?
Make Friends In Middle Age - Every day new research comes out showing how vital friendship is over the course of our lives, and perhaps never more so than middle and later age. Trouble is, it’s harder than ever when we age to make real, lasting friendships. In turn, our health suffers, mental and physical. This article has some rad tips how to combat that, and I for one, need to be a hell of a lot better at taking this advice. I tend to shut myself away too often, this was a reminder to be better.
A Roll-able Phone?! - The future is here in many ways, every day sneaking closer and closer and closer, and when I spotted this weird little contraption, I was reminded of that fact. It’s a phone, by Motorola, that literally rolls up and down to get smaller or larger based on what you’re needing. The screen itself wraps around the rolled edge, and even presents on the back-side when you’re turning it around. Weird.
Lutsen by Dead Man Winter - Sometimes songs just feel right, and they help, and they make things feel more ok. This is that right now, and I don’t know why or how to explain it.
Typewriter Series Madness - More videos of me being an idiot, but still reading what I hope you think are beautiful poems. :)
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I really love you all. Have a stunner of a weekend.
I LOOOOVE that poem!! I can't stop picturing skeletons with clothes hanging from their ribs stuffed in closets. 🤣🤪
It’s a very particular type of magic when you sit in a cinema and watch a truly gorgeous film, one you can’t bear to tear your eyes away from. I walk out of those films feeling like my soul has changed a little bit each time.