Hello dearest ones. I hope whatever is coming your way today, is the best of all things. I hope you feel saturated in the best energy, and I hope you know how cherished you are. If by no one else (Impossible, this, says I!) then by me. Here are some hot linksausages for you.
Hey, quick bit of honesty…the $5/month to join the community might be a lot, and hard to do, but for those of you who can, it really does mean that I can keep this place going, and keep creating the art I create for all of you. IF, and ONLY IF, you’ve got an extra $5/month you can spare, it would keep the lights on here. Thank you, so much, for your support:
Here’s the scoop, kids:
33 Ways To Have MORE Energy - I always have energy, I don’t know why, but I do. Sarah, not so much, but she’s B12’ing her way to more as we speak, so fingers crossed. Maybe I’ll have her try out some of these 33 tips, to see if it helps even more. Farewell snoozy Sarah, hello cocaine-mama-bear.
Flying Eagle Point Of View - I’ve always wanted to fly, who hasn’t? Here’s your chance to see what it’d actually feel like to soar, as an eagle, through the freaking sky, in the French Alps. That’s a lotta good all wrapped up into one burrito.
Depression In Americans At All Time High - Ok, after the really good feeling video above, I’m gonna crash it all down, sorry, but truth is important. This article, coupled with the new Surgeon General’s warning on social media for kids, is sobering for the state of things in this country we keep calling Great for all the world to hear. We’ve gotta do something, and we’ve gotta do it now, or else the consequences on our collective mental health will be beyond dire. Worth a read, this.
4 Ways To Prioritize Your Well-Being - See, I hit you with sad facts, then I hit you with possible helpful answers! I’m not all bad, it’s not all doom and gloom. Here’s 4 ways that take 10 minutes, to actually prioritize your well-being. I think the positive fall-out of these is amazing, and worth the time. Dig it.
Japanese Manhole Covers As Art - I LOVE when a city, a country, decides that ordinary things long left to be mundane and fairly ugly, deserve an artistic face-lift. Japan’s doing that with their manhole covers, and I’ll be damned if it isn’t stunning. Why can’t we do this here? Why can’t we have nice things?
Image from MRSY on Flickr Strange Currencies by REM - Oldie, but a goodie. Been digging this song again, forgot how rad it is.
Typewriter Series Silliness - More videos of me being a moron, but reading you beautiful poetry. Also, stillllll keep getting (what I think are serious) requests for an ONLY FANS Option where I read dirty poems hahaha. Be for reals this time, would you actually WANT this?!
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I love you all. Be good.
Are you seriously asking ...?! 🤔
Loved this today!