Another Matchbook to light your damn fires. Still recovering from Covid, and Sarah got hit hard after I did, but we’re coming through it, slowly but surely. Thanks for all your constant support, and patience if I’m a bit slow on responding as of late haha.
Also, if you’re loving this newsletter, please consider helping me keep it going with a paid subscription. You get TWO extra newsletters each week (with fun writing prompts and discussion threads) and direct access to me, and to the most amazing community of fellow Light Chasers in the comments:
Some radness to bookend your week, I hope you dig em:
The Obsessively Detailed Map Of American Literature’s Most Epic Road Trips: Atlas Obscura actually went in and mapped out some of the most amazing, epic, and brilliant road trips taken in American literature, so you could do them too, if you saw fit. I say we pick one of these, and all do it together. Thoughts?
Octopus Blues and the Poetry of Possible: Brilliant little poem, write up, and advice about widening the lens of our reality, and what beauty can come from that. I just liked this, plain and simple.
The 12 Best Films of 2022 So Far: See how many you’ve seen, see how many you agree with. I’m far too far behind on watching these, and I feel like I’ve let myself down haha.
How To Say No: If you’re like me, you don’t need this, I’m a weirdly equipped Autistic soul that’s perfect at saying no to things I don’t want to do. If you’re like my lovely wife, you really need this. Templates for saying No. How brilliant, right?
How To Become More Disciplined in 5 Minutes A Day: A huge part of Buddhism is self-discipline, and it’s something I’ve worked on a lot over the last 28 years or so of my life since finding it. This article has some simple, small steps, you can take to just teach yourself how to be a bit more disciplined each day, and the changes that can come from doing so.
Morning Elvis by Florences + The Machine: The original rad witchy woman of belting out truth is back with an amazing album, and there’s quite a few tracks on here that have been played A LOT over the last few weeks. This one is a beauty.
Dry Fly Distilling Pride Sweatshirt: It’s PRIDE month, and my sister and her husband’s distillery in Spokane, WA is selling some rad sweatshirts many of you asked about the last time I wore it on my video. 100% of the proceeds go to Spokane Pride, and that’s just f’ing awesome. Even if you don’t live there, even if you don’t drink, no bother, these work for everyone. Snag one or two here.
There we have it, a few more random things to get you through your weekend. Comment below any you’re loving, too, or any new things you found brilliant.
I love you all.
You rock. Thank you Tyler!
You rock. Thank you Tyler!