Another Friday is upon us, don’t they seem to sneak up quicker than ever now? To remedy this, or at least attempt to, I’ve another pile of hot links to slurp up like spaghetti. Things that caught my attention, and might catch yours...
I’m only able to keep this place running with your support, truly. If you wanna help make sure this place doesn’t go the way of the dodo, here’s an easy way to do so:
Here’s the scoop, kids:
A New Mandela Effect - Mandela Effects have been popping up a lot lately, with friends bringing some that messed with their minds (but I oddly remember different), and it makes me really believe that there is a multiverse happening. This one though, kinda blew my mind. Tell me if it does Yours too.
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Enable 3rd party cookies or use another browser9 Bucket List Europe Trips - Everyone, at some point, should take some wild road trip adventure through somewhere in Europe. Having done the Ireland one on this list multiple times, I can agree, it’s a stunner. So many more places to wander…what’s next?
Feeling Lost? Ways To Fix It - Everyone, at some time or another, feels completely lost in their life. What to do, what to be, where to move, what job feels right. It’s normal, it’s natural, and it’s terrifying. This article has 8 tips on how to fix that, or at least try. To just try.
Doctor Who Trailer - I have long been a Whovian, proud of it, and I am obsessed with all things Doctor Who. Always will be. The new series is gearing up to start, but not before David Tennant reprises his role. He’ll always be my Doctor, and I cannot wait to see him back. Goosebumps on goosebumps.
Astronomy Photographers Of The Year Awards - I am a space sucker, a sucker for space, and when I see photos taken of the great big beyond, I get all giddy inside. The awards for Astronomy Photographer of the Year are out, and holy smokes, the photos are stunning. One of my personal favorites:
Gold by Sigur Rós - Because when is Sigur Rós EVER not right? Ever?
Typewriter Series Silliness - More poetry, from this idiot.
I love you all. Be good.
I had no idea you were a Whovian too! Love the Doctor ♥️ I’ve been rocking the “my other ride is a TARDIS” bumper sticker for years 😅
The red sprites held me captive this week, a considerable feat for something that only exists for fractions of a second, or ten percent the speed of light.