There are moments in this life, in this brief blip of existence, that stand above all the others, that rearrange what you thought of as beautiful, that define it right then and there. As I look back over my own blip of life, there are some that immediately stand out, that rise to the surface like sea foam on some stormy ocean, but to be quite frank, one keeps rising even above that. One, is the lightning strike above that sea foam, the bolt of electricity and shock that connected me (once again, long story) to everything bigger than myself. I remember it, without any photographs necessary but damn it’s nice having them, as clearly today as the day it happened, I remember the smell, the sight, the temperature of the air. I remember the sound of water under that old bridge, I remember the way the dirt rustled under her boots. I remember the quiet sashay of emerald fabric, I remember the bagpiper warming up far in the distance. I remember turning, facing the light she’s always been, and truly falling into awe for the deepest and most true point in my life. Everything else, from the moment I turned, fell away. Everything else faded, all sound, all life, it was her, and it was me, and it was slow-motion in such a perfect and painful way.
I tell you these things, as a dive behind the curtain of what I write, I tell you these things because I want you to see that behind every single thing I write, from the short haiku to the pages long short stories to The Never Was in between, is filled, absolutely filled, with me. I wanted you all to see that I pour everything I am into everything I write, and I never phone it in. I am trying my very best to give you the most transparent and honest peek into me, which is beyond hard, which is beyond vulnerable. In short, I’m pouring it all, because you all deserve the pouring.
This is also why this newsletter is free for those who don’t wish to pay, but why there’s a paid option. I want to EARN your paid subscription by showing you the depth of care in what I do. I want you to say “hey, that’s worth $5 a month” because there are so few things you know, with certainty, are real, and are honest. That’s all. Sorry for being gushy and sorry for being probably overly-sentimental, but this little space means a lot to me, and I am so thankful you’ve all chosen to follow me here.
You across the bridge,
me standing in perfect awe.
There was nothing else.
Haiku on Life by Tyler Knott Gregson
Song of the Day
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This is so lovely. ❤️