I love this, I love you, and I am so incredibly grateful we get to live our lives at the same time 🥰

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In a fun coincidence, I LOVE YOU TOO! I couldn't be happier that I get to know you, to call you family. I hope you remember that always always, and if you start forgetting, that you know I'll shout it into your ears. :)

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“It’s in the asking of questions, not the passing of judgements, it’s in the wondering, not the declarations.”

Thank you Tyler! This is so well presented and relatable to me!

We all long for happiness, but recognize it as a fleeting beast, something we cannot hold on tightly enough to, and so then mourn its passing. A a close companion to “curiosity”, “wonder”, is something that can fill us with more than one emotion (as we can wonder at positive and negative things), but more importantly, can keep us transfixed for way more time than a moment of happiness can. I can’t always be happy, and I may not want to be as there is so much sweetness too in sorrow, but “wonder” is where we can aim our daily motives and intentions. It’s not just the joy it brings, but also the simple humility it offers of a lifelong student, rather than master.

You have possibly read me write before that my life has been enormously enhanced (or balanced) with a sense of anticipation every morning, giving me a sense of “wonder” each day as to what the new knowledge or people I will come into contact in the coming day. It has been what gets me out of bed each and every day of my waking life. I have the same anticipation of the day ( now after my first two cups of coffee) that I had as an unusually optimistic seven year old. This balances my natural skepticism for anything I read, hear, or think. I wanna see the evidence, touch the edge of the blade, feel the heat, hear the screams in order to convince myself that we are NOT all living in an angry alien created world of the Truman Show, Land of Oz , Tinkerbell’s Neverland, or Zuckerberg’s Metaverse.

This is especially powerful to those who suffer from trauma or just the noisy and chaotic life in a big dysfunctional family (who me?). The anticipation that wonder can take you above and beyond the situation you are in now, to “transcend” ignorance, hate, and bias. Learning that you are not what others have said, but truly made in the image of greatness. Learning that you are worthy of everything you desire in life. Learning that life is so full of illuminating experiences that it is worth living. True joy comes from a mindful presence about each moment, breathing wonder into the mundane.

I would like to share a 6 minute video. It is very close to what I’m talking about. Here is a link from the website: bigthink.com


My moment of zen:

Finding inner peace

Comes after learning the truth

Of who we are not

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Calling happiness a fleeting beast might be the most accurate representation I've ever heard. Some wild creature that we catch glimpses of, admire, but every time we try to catch it bolts off. Perhaps it's a butterfly, and only when we're still can it land. I LOVE your haiku as well my friend. Thank you, as per usual, for this magic comment.

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Wake up curious!

Wonder more, and worry less

Life is wonder-filled

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I am so inspired by the hope in this first piece for 2025. Thank-you Tyler for providing us with a positive way forward. More kindness, more loving, more curiosity; that is my recipe for the year! I have started a Curiosity Journal to keep me focused on wonder, gratefulness and awe. I am looking forward to (curious about) what you have in store for us! Thank-you from the bottom of my heart.

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There's so much more Hope coming in 2025 Rosemary, so many more posts about what I'm calling my "BuddhTism" that combines my strange brain and my Buddhist studying. I hope you LOVE it. And I LOVE your Curiosity Journal. What a magic idea.

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A Curiosity Journal! What a great idea!

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Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! If only your words were to be read by everyone.... imagine the change we might just see ..... a change of magic..... everyone in awe of what truly surrounds us all if only we could become curious 🥰🥰

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Aw Marmalade. I wish they'd be read by everyone, I wish we could all enjoy the changes we so richly deserve.

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Love this so much! Yes. Curiosity, Compassion, Love. More Love. YES!!

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YES TO YOU! We love ya!

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You had me at Venn Diagram.

For those who look, there it isn't too tricky to find The Overlap.

I have a dear friend who stilled me once, and said "Jojo, we don't do labels here". And, of course every other soul never quite lives up to The Standard he set perhaps 18 years ago.

Stay curious, Lightchasers.

I hope '25 treats you well.

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Nothin says magic like a really good Venn :) Stay curious, we're here. :)

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Love this so much. My mom gave me a paid subscription to your newsletter for my birthday this year, and I’m so grateful to read your words.

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Ahhh, that is amazing, and I'm so thrilled you're here. Welcome to the party, and I am excited to see all you contribute to this amazing community.

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‘There is magic left so let us be curious’ is beautiful. 🥹

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:) Thank you, so much. I adore you.

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Very much same.

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Those last 15 words though, pure gold! That is the challenge for 2025 that I’ve been looking for.

“…tell those eyes in that head of yours that they aim forward for a reason.”

Be curious, stay open, have a short memory, and **L👀K** for the potential good. Once a week, each Tuesday, I will reflect back on the week that was and pull out one not-so-great thing/experience/person/interaction/discovered “truth”…and relook at it. Flip it. Find its potential good. 52 “potential good”s that I missed out on the first time. Challenge accepted. 😉💪🏼 Thanks, Tyler!

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:) Thank you so much. I am so happy you're here and cannot wait to see what all 2025 brings for us all here. I cannot wait to hear all you flip and share.

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"curiosity is the foundation of compassion." That is stunning. Wow. I want to live this way too.

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:) You can. I'll help. I love ya.

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