We humans are built to wonder of our own mortality, of our legacy that will be left behind when we shuffle off this mortal coil. We spend so much time looking and questioning what will come at the end, we miss all that explodes around us before it comes.
I wonder often
if life will bless me with age,
if I'll make it long.
Haiku on Life by Tyler Knott Gregson
Typewriter Series #3059

Still working out the kinks to all this, thanks for your patience. If there’s anything you think should be changed, fixed, altered, or improved upon, Please comment and let me know!
Two things come to mind....the Egyptian text "The Immortality of Writers" and the Beyonce song "I Was Here" https://youtu.be/i41qWJ6QjPI
Given that you've written published work, you've bought yourself some significant time beyond the years you might be granted. And even if you hadn't, the ripples made on the people you've touched keep going. Maybe our egos want validation....but I think our souls make the impression, even without it.
Enjoy the song. 😊
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. This idea of impermanence is part of the reason I write. Words and stories matter. When I share my words with the people I care about, it helps me build a deeper connection.