Keep being your authentically quirky, talented, honest, and light-bringing self.

The world needs more people like you Tyler.

More people who aren't afraid to say the things that they truly feel and who don't hold back. Imagine how much better the world would be if we all dropped the masks and just WERE. You know?

Lastly, happy birthday to your BFF, Anna. She sounds like a lovely human being.

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I'll do my very best, I only know one way of being, so I think that'll always come easy hahaha. I Couldn't agree more honestly, we need more blunt brutal but always kind honesty.

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Anna Bananas are the best!

And also, yes to all the rest.

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They really are the best, and so is the rest! hahaha

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It is your open-heartedness in your poetry, and writing, that drew me to you so long ago in the first place. There's always been a gasp in me concerning your writing and a feeling of endearment when I see you.

There is nothing wrong with you, Tyler. I read a theory somewhere that neurodivergence may be an evolutionary trait. What the world needs in order to survive. Certainly, my family has it. Certain friends of mine as well ... and all are gems. Just like you.

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Ahhh GAYLE! Wait til you see an essay coming on a future Signal Fire: The Sunday Edition! You hit the absolute NAIL on the head. Even down to the evolutionary trait. I'm so impressed haha.

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I love the authentic person. I hate the bullshit. I want to ask the questions that get us to a point behind the trivial. Let’s fast-track what could be a wonderful friendship (or not).

I appreciate your authenticity and your lack of bullshit. I never have to wonder, “Is this true or embellished? You do you and I will continue to respect and enjoy!

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Ahh exactly this, I am so tired of all the bullshit we're surrounded by, all the posturing. I just CRAVE authenticity. Thank YOU, for always doing YOU, too.

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For so long, being me was viewed as not O.K. I was too loud, too honest, too friendly, too ??? It exhausted me to not be me. Now … I just don’t care. If you don’t like me for ME, that’s fine. There are enough who do. And, I will focus on that!

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I really do think the world would be a better if we could all be a little more honest. It’s strange how often someone will tell you what they think you want to hear when the truth would cause a lot less heartache.

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