Tyler, I'm a 5 (the investigator) with a 4 (the artist) wing = the iconoclast. I can tell you that when we 're healthy, we move in directions related to other orientations...the 5 for example, moves towards the 8, leadership, when feeling strong and confident. The same is true when feeling stressed or anxious...the 5 for example, moves towards 7, retreating into isolation and inner solace. So, it's possible that your answers speak directly to the different ways you are experiencing different aspects of yourself at different times. I think this is just a level of self-awareness that allows you to perceive your various experiences and that does legitimately speak to a spectrum of Enneagram orientations.

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These online tests can certainly be confusing, mostly because some start using certain jargon specific to the Enneagram. I didn’t actually begin to understand until I started reading about it. There are some really amazing books out there, and even some lectures on YouTube. Personally, I read “The Sacred Enneagram” by Christopher Heuertz and watched a lecture by Father Richard Rohr. Both try to tie everything back to Christianity, so I just kind of glazed over that. But I think by far the best part of the Enneagram wasn’t the self-awareness or growth it brought me, but the empathy and understanding I began to have for the people around me.

Also, Sleeping At Last wrote one song for each of the types. You should definitely check them out!

Lots of love for you and the fam ❤️

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I took the Enneagram test as well, while studying Cultural Anthropology some years back. I was a little perplexed at my results and would guess that my answers would be very different now. We are such different people at different times in our lives.

As for nostalgia, as an older person, I find many things trigger memories of good times past. It's a lot to smile about.

Playing after dark,

'60s childhood makes me smile.

Gift of long loved life.

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I am an 8, but I connect to all of the four numbers you listed. In Enneagram terms, here's why:


In the enneagram, each type has wings on either side. So, as an 8, my wings are 7 and 9. I have heard a couple equally intriguing competing theories, but the one that has resonated the most for me is that one wing you are naturally born with being predominant, and the other you grow into. So, for me, I've always had a strong 7 wing, but feel I am growing more into my 9 wing as well.


When I am in a decently balanced state, I express a lot of my 8 features in healthy ways. When I am especially "integrated," I express a lot of healthy 2 features. When I am a bit "disintegrated," and not quite my best self, I express more of the unhealthy side of 5 features.

Also, when I took a test (a common thing for 8s and 5s to do), I also had similar results. I found out from some friends that it is best to discern one's type by reading/praying/meditating about it. I did a bit of investigation and when I read about the 8, I remember feeling very resistant to that type and thinking, "Ugh! Control! Ew. No way. Not me," and being really attracted to the 2 and hoping that was what I was, which, in a way, is really beautiful and hopeful because (since I am an 8) I do strive to take on 2 characteristics when I am my best self. The reason I include that is because sometimes the one you are most resistant to may be the one you actually are.

Also, everyone has a little bit of each of the 9 types in them. :)

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The beauty of Enneagram is that we are ever-evolving into every single one of the numbers. It’s the work of Enneagram. I am a 2(the helper) I oscillate between wings 1 and 3 at different times in my life. We aren’t meant to BE only one number forever. I learned about it from Ingrid. She’s a 9(the peacemaker). It’s a beautiful tool to help yourself better understand why you do the things you do, when you do them. And in relationship terms, learning about Ingrid’s number has really helped me to be a better partner and her to me. ❤️

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