Had a long conversation with Sarah’s son, Henry, the other night about Buddhism. Everything from reincarnation to compassion to the idea of letting go all we cannot control. The one aspect of the conversation that stuck out the most, to me, was the need to be present in every moment of our lives, and more than that, to truly “live deep and suck out all the marrow of life,” as Thoreau once put it. We live in a world that is increasingly aimed at the fleeting and ephemeral, these miniature instant gratifications that make us feel satisfied in the short-term, but leave us wanting. The only way through this, in my humble opinion, is to truly live in each moment of our life. I am reminded of this fact daily, as in Montana our hours of daylight this time of year typically stretch from about 8:15am until about 4:00pm. Not even a work day worth of sunlight, and so there is more need than ever to make the most out of ever drop.
This mindfulness is paramount, and the thing that surprised him the most seemed to be the fact that it’s a practicable, it’s something we can actually get better at if we actually put in the work. I told him to “pretend you’re a poet” for the days ahead, see the world as a poet does, find inspiration in all things, allow your mind to notice all you haven’t before. Saying these words served as a reminder to myself, as well. So often we get lost in the routine, we forget the magic. Start now, find the magic.
Long is this nightfall,
short are the moments of light.
Make the most of them.
Haiku on Life by Tyler Knott Gregson
Song of the Day
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Beautiful! Yes, mindfulness is a progressive practice and so worth it, as there is so much joy to be found in the mundane if one is inclined to notice. P.S. Love the bubble lights on the Christmas tree in your photo! I put them on my tree every year...they’re fun reminders to be playful. 💛
Love, love, love this! So perfect.