
Thank you for this. It goes along with a poem I wrote yesterday about wondering what the limit is of how many times I can be honest when I’m struggling before someone writes me off as too much.

It is so hard, sometimes, to believe that anyone cares. That anyone would miss me. So thank you for your kind words.

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Thank you! This is beautiful.

I am an eternal optimist too partnered with an eternal nihilist. I whole heartedly believe that being the help that people need, when they need it can literally mean life or death.

The help will come. There are so many people who love and cherish you and want you to know that.

Gosh I’m so glad you’re here too spread this message.

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Tyler, this is beautiful and made my soul ache. I’ve watched my sister battle depression. The mountains and valleys she has climbed, might only be matched by the sherpas who climb Mt. Everest. I’m fortunate she trusts me enough to whisper, I can’t today, and I just smile and say, “ ok, I’ll hold you until you can.” Sometimes that hold is an invisible hug with lots of texts being sent and other times it’s laying in bed not saying anything.

Sometimes the best thing we can do for those hurting isn’t to offer toxic positive advice. Sit with them in silence. Be the rock they crash upon and the light to help them see through the darkness.

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